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A roundtable discussion and practical tutorials on securing your communications. Bring your laptops! (also, if anyone is a crypto expert using Windows, plz come! I have no idea how to stay safe on that platform.)
We will be talking PGP, XMPP and other good protocols as well as "privacy" apps that you probably shouldn't be using. There will be some discussion on other practical measures for protecting yourself and your computer. Lots of resources to be shared, and we want to expand the "Circle of Trust."
This is not going to be an overly structured evening, CRYPTOANARCHY will reign!
NOTE: You DO NOT have to RSVP to this if you don't want to. I am already on a bunch of lists, so attaching my name is not a problem. If you want to keep your name off, feel free to come without indicating so.
SECOND NOTE: This is happening at co+Lab, who have been gracious enough to host us ? not at the regular Bike Cafe spot.
Tuesday, Feb 17th @ 7:00pm
Venue: co+Lab at #205 - 1405 St Paul Street
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Tuesday, April 21st @ 6:30pm
The Bike Shop Cafe, Kelowna BC, Canada
There's plenty of ways to get involved. Maybe you'd like to share a topic your passionate about? Maybe you have some topics you want to know more about? Maybe you can get us a discount on beverages? Hook it up
We'll send out an email when new stuff is going on. We promise it won't be annoying.